Malcolm Jenkins Raises Fist During National Anthem to Protest Social Injustice


The ​NFL is still determining how it will address athletes who kneel during the National Anthem, with the NFLPA recently challenging the league’s controversial proposed policy.

The Philadelphia Eagles Malcolm Jenkins, who has been at the forefront of raising awareness and fighting the cause against social injustices, has made his voice heard throughout the NFL. With tension still existing between the sport and politics, Jenkins will elect to once again use his platform to bring about change.

That is no surprise, as Jenkins is one of the most informed, sincere athletes when it comes to speaking out against social inequality. He tweeted this powerful pregame message while he was in the locker room preparing for the Pittsburgh Steelers:

The hope is that Jenkins message can be heard loud and clear without angry, unfair criticism flowing in from multiple directions (including the White House). If the league feels the need to overexert its power in an attempt to silence him and those who support him.


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