NFL to Hear Julian Edelman’s ‘Vigorous’ Suspension Appeal Monday


Julian Edelman is not going down without a fight. The latest heavyweight bout between the NFL and a member of the Patriots is set to go down Monday.

The NFL will be hearing Edelman’s appeal of his 4-game suspension for a failed PED test, and the diminutive wide receiver is armed to the teeth with top lawyers.

Julian Edelman has added some legal muscle ahead of his appeal hearing, which is scheduled for Monday. Source says NFL erred in the handling and distribution of his test results:

— Dan Graziano (@DanGrazianoESPN) June 25, 2018
He thinks he’s got more than just a chance at this.

Edelman believes there were significant ​​errors made in the handling of his case, and raises what he believes are legitimate questions regarding the ​nature of the substance that triggered the failed test. The substance that appeared on the test is not on the league’s list of banned substances.

Additionally, the Patriots wideout is confident that the league made numerous mistakes in their documenting and delivering of the test results. These swirling factors are why Edelman believes he has a very good shot at winning his appeal.

Julian Edelman’s appeal of his 4-game drug suspension will be heard today, and sources say his defense will question the NFL’s handling of his case.

— SportsCenter (@SportsCenter) June 25, 2018
In the least surprising news ever, the longtime Patriot has hired a very talented lawyer to help him defeat the NFL’s case. Edelman brought in Alex Spiro, a high-profile lawyer who has helped many NBA players with legal battles they’ve faced.

This is just the latest installment of the bitter rivalry between the NFL and its most dominant franchise in recent memory. Edelman is certainly hoping for a better result than the one his ​star quarterback received from Deflategate just a few years ago.


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