Robert Kraft Just Won the ‘Jewish Nobel Prize’ and We Have Some Questions


New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft has had one roller coaster of a 2019.

In the first week of February, he celebrated the Patriots’ sixth Super Bowl championship under his ownership. Then, later that month, he was charged with soliciting prostitution for based on alleged actions at a south Florida massage parlor. This was followed by a legal battle over the potential release of a lewd video said to depict the receipt of the illicit actions via a “masseuse.”

Now, in perhaps the most remarkable turn of events yet, Robert Kraft has been awarded the Genesis Prize, a prestigious $1 million award meant to “[celebrate] Jewish talent and achievement by honoring individuals for their professional accomplishments, commitment to Jewish values, and contribution to improving the world.”

Kraft, long known as a supporter of Israel and various Jewish causes, may very well be a deserving recipient of this award given his very public work fighting anti-Semitism. But, I mean… TIMING??

The Genesis Prize judging panel couldn’t figure out that this year, of all years, wasn’t the time to give a million-dollar award to Bob Kraft? Come on. It hasn’t even been a month since we were all talking about the potential public release of a video of the 78-year-old allegedly partaking in acts of a sexual nature with a masseuse, and now he’s receiving a prestigious award meant to celebrate his pro-Israel and pro-Jewish stances?

Yeah, not a great look. But we get the world we deserve, don’t we?


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