Panthers Fans Rip Eric Reid After He Kneels During National Anthem


Eric Reid is known as a terrific NFL safety. His views on the league’s NFL anthem policy are also understood, ​with the former teammate of Colin Kaepernick choosing to kneel in what he and many others deem a patriotic display.

On Sunday, Reid chose to kneel again prior to the Panthers home game against the New York Giants. As if this was anything new, some Panthers fans chose to criticize Reid for continuing his display in Carolina.

He is good at football, you know. That’s what matters here.

You guys really have too much time on your hands.

Surely the Panthers aren’t in the business of trying to lose fans. But Reid’s play on the field outweighs the perceived negative impact he may have on the fanbase.

Reid is a tremendous football player and a borderline Pro Bowl-caliber talent. Who cares if his views differ from yours?

Certainly I’m not here to tell you how to feel, or act for that matter. Winning can mend all voids, and that’s precisely where Reid’s goals intersect with the dreams of Panther Nation.


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