Antonio Brown Takes Knee on Instagram in Response to New NFL Anthem Policy


Antonio Brown may be ​enjoying his time off in Malibu Beach, but by no means is he taking the NFL’s latest action lightly.

In fact, he’s taken it to heart, and went out of his way Saturday to send a response to Jets owner Christopher Johnson, who’s come out on the side of players’ rights following the league’s latest attempt to quash National Anthem-related protests.

The caption reads directly to Johnson, stating, “Send the invoice to Christopher Johnson #JetsChairman #Respect#TakeAkneeOnIG #TagMe”

While it’s unlikely Brown will expect the Jets owner to pay any fines he accrues during the year, it’s going to be important for the league’s stars to make displays this prominent throughout the season. Colin Kaepernick saw his starter-level talent begin to erode, and so of course his career was over once he introduced widespread protests.

The league needs more un-ignorable talents like​ Antonio Brown taking the mantle, especially this season.


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