NY Congressman Goes on Ridiculous Tirade About Jets Co-Owner Offering to Pay Anthem Fines


This is only just the beginning of the widescale backlash of the NFL’s decision on the new anthem rule.

Throughout the summer and especially throughout the regular season, viewers from all backgrounds and professions will continue to publicly voice their opinions on what players do once the national anthem begins playing before games.

Those on the right will question their own countryman’s patriotism while those on the left will fight for their right to freedom of speech. What’s worse, those in the middle that try to bring about a bi-partisan unity between both groups will likely go completely unheard.

New York Jets CEO Christopher Johnson and brother of team owner Woody, recently stood in support of his players stating that he would pay all fines his team accrued as a result of a violation of the NFL’s new anthem policy.

Republican congressman Pete King was obviously opposed to Johnson’s promise.

And so the agitation increases as one man’s decision to back his players ignites another man’s escalated rhetoric about Nazis. Does it make any sense? Of course not. For a country that has “United” in its name, it’s incredibly disappointing that many consistently demonstrate the opposite on this given issue.

The vicious cycle continues and the league’s goal of trying to find a middle ground between two sides is turning out to be a complete failure at this point.

And it’s only May.


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