Packers DE Mo Wilkerson Earned Largest Bonus in NFL Just for Reporting to Camp


If you need another wake-up call as to just how much money professional sports teams give their players for completing fairly standard tasks, here you go.

​Muhammad Wilkerson, newly-minted defensive end for the Packers, made $1 million just for showing up to the start of training camp this season.

Yeah, you heard that right.

Granted, ​​Wilkerson is at least a former stud defensive lineman. He proved his worth over seven seasons with the New York Jets, racking up 44.5 sacks and 11 forced fumbles while making the Pro Bowl once.

And yes, Wilkerson received a $1 million reporting bonus, but his contract with the Packers is overall quite underwhelming.

Wilkerson was signed to a one-year deal which pays him just around $5 million. That’s really not very much. ​It’s a prove-it deal, because Wilkerson seems to be on the downward trend of his tenure in the league.

The defensive end’s production has dipped in the last two years, and, at 28, he is not getting any younger. Thus, the team decided that he really wasn’t worth too much money, but threw in an incentive for being early to the party.

Who knows? Maybe ​Green Bay and Wilkerson just wanted to make headlines with this story.

I doubt the Pack were actually that worried he would miss camp, though emerging from the cesspool that is Jets camp, you can never be too careful.


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