Packers Fan Destroys Matt Hasselbeck for Playoff Choke 14 Years Later


One of Matt Hasselbeck’s worst career moments was on January 4, 2004, against the Packers in overtime when he confidently declared, “We want the ball and we’re going to score” after winning the coin flip.

He then proceeded to throw the ball for a pick-six that won the game for Green Bay. This Packers fan clearly remembers that iconic moment very well.

That’s hilarious. If you’re Hasselbeck, what are you even going to say in return? We would absolutely love to see some footage of this.

This could just be the new most memorable moment of Hasselbeck’s career. Someone give that woman a job across the desk from Hasselbeck. That would make for some really interesting and entertaining back-and-forths.

Hasselbeck had a great comeback for Schefter on ​Twitter, though.

We’d be mad if we got the small bike too. But, we wouldn’t be as mad as if say, a middle-aged woman walked up to us, right after a bathroom break, and reminded as nonchalantly about one of the most embarrassing moments of our career. You can’t make stuff like this up.


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