Ezekiel Elliott Made Sure Bo Scarbrough Would Never Forget his First NFL TD


In the heat of the moment, ​Dallas Co​wboys tailback Bo Scarbrough didn’t think to hold onto his first touchdown in the preseason.

Breaking the plane from one yard out was the only thing on his mind, as the former Alabama bruiser punched it in for six.

Luckily enough for the rookie, Ezekiel Elliott was keeping track of the moment, as the All-Pro running back made sure that Scarbrough didn’t walk off the field empty handed. Zeke sprinted down the field, secured the touchdown ball, and handed it over to his teammate.

Scarbrough made it known that Elliott is an amazing teammate, who always tries to provide leadership and quality advice for the younger players on the roster.

Although his nine carries for 33 yards and a touchdown was impressive enough for Scarbrough, seeing his superstar teammate show that he cares was equally important. Besides, he totally earned his respect on the sidelines with the ​way he was running the rock.

One preseason game doesn’t dictate the rest of his year, but the first game was certainly a great start to his career.


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