Ezekiel Elliott Screwed Over Countless Fans Who Paid Big Money for His Autograph


Come on man, can’t you just do it for the fans?

Ezekeil Elliott, ​the Dallas Cowboys star running back, was at the Amon G. Carter Exhibit Hall in Fort Worth on Saturday for ​the National Fantasy Football Convention. While there, Elliott was autographing items, and fans eagerly lined up to get their gear signed.

Unfortunately, there were several problems.

First, fans were told that they could only have a max of two items autographed. Alright, a little unfortunate, but reasonable. Those in line prepared themselves to get their two favorite items signed.

Then, Elliott was two hours late. At this point, the people waiting in line were probably a bit miffed, having literally sat there for two hours longer than they had thought they would have to.

To top it all off, however, fans were then told that the running back would only be signing his own merchandise, such as a $25 shirt on sale near Elliott.

At this point, picture yourself in these fans’ shoes. You’re a diehard Cowboys fan. You took a summer weekend to go to this convention in Fort Worth, possibly hours from your house. You line up hoping to get your stuff autographed by your hero. You wait two hours just for him to show up. Then it turns out you have to shell out money to buy the specific items that he will sign, of which you can still only have two.

Yeah, you’re probably pissed.

Roberto Cartagena came all the way from L.A. to the event and said, “I spent $3,000, I bought a booth, I bought a legends pass, and I waited two and a half hours and I couldn’t get an autograph.”

Whoa, $3,000 wasted. Cartagena bought two Cowboys mini helmets, hoping to have Elliott sign them so he could give them away on his website. He was denied.

Many fans probably have similar stories.

Ricky Villa, who came from Arlington, said, “That’s the third time I’ve interacted with Zeke and he’s been a punk all three times”.

​This is probably the lowest point of Elliott’s offseason. He is not helping his image at all.


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