VIDEO: The NFL Actually Fined Vikings’ Antwione Williams for This Textbook Tackle


This helmet to helmet rule in the NFL is already out of control and the season hasn’t even started yet. The league is trying to limit concussions and make the game a safer place. We all get it. This rule has been implemented to help players in the long run, and naturally, there is going to be some kinks that need to be ironed out. Mistakes will be made on some hits, like this inexcusable call on Vikings defender Antwione Williams.


Since it’s preseason, that stuff doesn’t really matter. What does matter is that the league actually doubled down by fining Williams for that hit.

That’s a whole new level of incompetence that is even impressive for NFL standards.

This is actually the first decision that should truly raise red flags around the league. Not only is the league condoning these soft calls, but they’re actually punishing players on calls by the refs that are clearly mistakes.

What exactly did Williams do wrong? It couldn’t have been a cleaner tackle and no helmet contact was made. Are we really saying it’s because he put too much body weight on him? How is anyone supposed to make a tackle then? By breathing on the offensive player until he stumbles?

It has gone too far. Players and coaches alike are already complaining about the rule and now it’s taking money out of the pockets of those who are actually playing the game correctly.


The explanation from the NFL about this decision is going to be laughable.


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